
27th Annual Light the Night for Sight

Meet Andrew
2024 Youth Ambassador

Andrew, Prevent Blindness Iowa 2024 Youth Ambassador

Five year old Andrew is an active preschooler who loves to be outside and loves imagination play. He is also a big fan of the Iowa Hawkeyes!

Andrew recently took part in a free Prevent Blindness Iowa vision screening at his daycare. After not passing the screening, his parents took him to an eye doctor for a complete eye exam. Andrew was found to have hyperopia (farsighted) and was prescribed glasses.

Andrew’s parents shared that “The free vision screening provided by Prevent Blindness Iowa that Andrew had was incredibly important, and something we are forever grateful for! Before the screening, Andrew would have trouble staying engaged with things. Whether that be coloring, playing with toys, or sports, he seemed to have a hard time concentrating and focusing on a task (for a four year old). For a while, we just brushed that off as him being a kid with a short attention span. However, once he had his vision screening, it started to make sense- he was having (a lot) of trouble seeing clearly. After taking him to an optometrist for an exam, we discovered Andrew had extreme hyperopia, and needed corrective lenses. Ever since we put him in his first pair of glasses, he never wanted to take them off! We saw an IMMEDIATE improvement in his concentration level both at home and at preschool, as well as his overall mood. He’s more engaged and his learning and writing have improved greatly. We owe so much to the vision screenings provided by Prevent Blindness Iowa!”

Andrew now happily wears his glasses all the time. Early detection of his vision problem will also allow Andrew to clearly see to learn in Kindergarten in the Fall and to see to cheer on the Hawkeyes!!

Light the Night for Sight 2024 Walk

Thursday, June 13, 2024
Johnston Green Days
Terra Park
6300 Pioneer Parkway
Check-In: 6:30pm
Walk 7:30pm

Thank You to Our Event Sponsors

Wolfe Eye Clinic

Wolfe Foundation: Giving Hope Through Better Vision

West Bancorporation: The West Bancorporation Foundation, Inc.

Des Moines University Medicine & Health Sciences
