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Preventing Eye Injuries

Thousands of eye accidents happen each day; 90 percent of these are preventable with the use of appropriate safety eyewear.

Because there are good eye safety regulations in the workplace, the home is the source of the fastest-growing number of eye injuries. Eye injuries are almost as great a danger to bystanders as the people using dangerous tools or chemicals in the home. Good eye protection is just as important for those watching you work as for the workers themselves.

Find out more about preventing eye injuries at home, at work and at play.


This simple checklist will help you reduce the risks of home eye injuries for yourself and other family members.

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Eye injuries in the workplace are very common. More than 2,000 people injure their eyes at work each day. About 1 in 10 injuries require one or more missed workdays to recover from. Of the total amount of work-related injuries, 10-20 % will cause temporary or permanent vision loss.

Experts believe that the right eye protection could have lessened the severity or even prevented 90% of eye injuries in accidents.

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More than 32,000 people seek treatment for sports-related eye injuries each year. The good news is that almost all of these injuries can be prevented. Whatever your game, whatever your age, you need to protect your eyes!

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First Aid for Eye Emergencies

Knowing what to do in the event of an eye injury can save valuable time and possibly prevent vision loss. Here are some instructions for basic eye injury first aid.

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How to Jump Start a Car Battery Safely

Everyone with a car needs to know how to safely jump-start their car battery. You can prevent serious injury to your eyes by following this simple safety checklist.

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Fireworks Safety

Prevent Blindness warns that there is no safe way for nonprofessionals to use fireworks. It is only safe to enjoy the splendor and excitement of fireworks at a professional display.

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Children’s Eye Safety

Accidents involving common household products cause 125,000 eye injuries each year. Every 13 minutes, an emergency room treats a sports-related eye injury. And, 43 percent of sports-related eye injuries are to children ages 14 and younger.

The good news is that ninety percent of these eye injures can be prevented through understanding, safety practices and the use of proper eye protection.

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Eye Safety for Hurricane Preparation and Storm Damage Cleanup

Prevent Blindness urges everyone living in coastal communities to think about eye safety when preparing for a storm or when cleaning up after storm damage.

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